Could You be a ‘SNOW ANGEL’?

Waltham Forest, like many other Councils is planning for the coming winter and want residents to play a vital role in making sure that the borough can cope in the event of severe weather conditions.

Suitable precautions to deal with snow and ice are being put into place, but the Council is hoping that residents will agree to become “Snow Angels” and help clear their vulnerable neighbours’ drives and pathways of snow and ice.

The Snow Angel scheme was piloted last year amongst Council staff who live in the borough and who volunteered to grit and shovel snow from drives, pathways and pavements to keep the borough moving. This proved to be a huge success so now the Council has decided to roll the scheme out to the residents of Waltham Forest.

Volunteers will be provided with the following free equipment:

 1 x 20kg bag of grit

Hi-visibility jacket

Protective gloves

Snow scoop and shovel

If you are interested in becoming a “Snow Angel” please contact Amanda Karrinton on 0208 496 1296 or email on by 31st August 2011 and you will be provided with further information.

Waltham Forest Direct Shops axed – Update!

Leytonstone's Waltham Forest Direct Shop

The Council has announced the closure dates for three of the Waltham Forest Direct shops:

LEYTON – closes tomorrow Friday 12 August

CHINGFORD – closes Friday 26 August

LEYTONSTONE – closes Wednesday 31 August

The remaining branch in Hoe Street, Walthamstow, will be renamed: Customer Service Centre

The Waltham Forest Guardian reports that Unions have concerns that the buildings will remain empty, and be a ‘blight’ on our high streets. It is understood that the Council is working on alternative uses!!

It is surely inconceivable that any incoming tenant should receive financial support from the Council, after they have closed these shops to save money.

Save Harrow Green Library

Harrow Green Library to be axed by Labour Council
In order to save money, our Labour run Waltham Forest Council is making changes to the library system. Some years ago it was looking to close Leyton Library, but that was saved. Now they are looking to close another one of our local libraries – Harrow Green!

The council admits that, ‘here in the south of the borough, where deprivation is most concentrated, health, education attainment and housing standards are lower, libraries are a focus for communities that enhance people’s quality of life.’ Libraries alleviate the effects of deprivation.

The Harrow Green Library building is home to many local groups and activities, as well as the borrowing of books, access to the Internet and for study and homework. 50% of the borrowers are children.
The Council has set up a 12 week consultation period ending on Friday 9 September.

The Councils consultation documentation can be accessed by log in on to:

You can also get a copy of the consultation document at any library.

Please help us to Save Harrow Green Library by signing the petition at:

You can also write to Councillor Geraldine Reardon (responsible for libraries) at The Town Hall, Walthamstow E17 6JF


The Mayor selects his optionsThe Brooks Farm Fun-day held last Sunday, was a great success. Over 500 children and families along with Mayor Councillor Geoff Walker, turned up to look round the farm.  

The face-painting, raffle, children’s entertainer and animals along with the weather, made it a fun day for all. All those who turned up had a chance to indicate what they would like the farm to provide. A big thank you must go to year 3 of George Mitchell Primary school who made a brilliant scale model of the farm so that people could place their choices as to what they would like on the farm.  

A small animals area for children was a popular choice along with a picnic area and butterfly garden. There were lots of suggestions, all of which will be taken into account when discussing the future of the farm.  

A process of turning Brooks Farm into a Charitable Trust has begun. If you are interested in being on the trustee board or just interested in supporting the farm, or need more information, then telephone me on 020 8556 8335.  

Waltham Forest Direct (WFD) – Leytonstone

Ward councillors propose WFD shop should become an art gallery!!

The Leytonstone Liberal Democrat FOCUS Team was surprised to learn that the Labour ward councillors are calling for the Leytonstone WFD shop to be turned into an art gallery, and be run by local people.

First they want the Church Lane Car Park to contain a multi facility, which turns out to be another name for an unsupervised kick-about area. This will hardly encourage increased use of the car park, which was the Labour Council’s professed intention.

Now they are saying that the Waltham Forest Direct (WFD) shop, on the corner of Church Lane and Leytonstone High Road, should become an art gallery. Who is going to pay for it? The FOCUS Team trusts that Labour does not intend it to be funded by a council grant, when they are claiming to be so strapped for cash, that they cannot fund it for its original purpose.

The FOCUS Team would like to know what you think?

Cabinet approves Report – Libraries under threat!

The Liberal Democrats were shocked to see that a report on the Library Service was agreed by the Cabinet on 14 June, includes the proposal to close both Harrow Green and South Chingford Libraries.

The report recommended that Leytonstone, Leyton, Walthamstow and North Chingford be designated Library Plus branches – open 7 days a week and offering some additional services that were previously available in the Waltham Forest Direct shops.

While Hale End, Higham Hill, Wood Street and Lea Bridge will become Library Local branches, open for only 30 hours a week.

There will be a 12-week consultation period between June and September. There will be a further report to the cabinet in October, taking into account the consultation results.

Whatever your views we urge you to respond to the consultation so that the Council has the fullest possible picture of the feelings of local residents.

The Council’s consultation can be accessed by loggin on to:

Church Lane Car Park

A report into car park provision across the borough is to be considered by the Cabinet on 14 June

The Church Lane car park, adjacent to Leytonstone Underground Station is said to be only 43% used, but since there is no suitable on street parking in the Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), the report recommends that the hours of operation and maximum stay times should be reviewed to encourage maximum usage. It is likely that charges will be reduced.

Games Area in the car park!!

Strangely, the report also recommends that a ‘multi utility’ area be included in the car park. FOCUS was shocked to discover that this is an area for basket ball, football etc. The Leytonstone FOCUS Team believes that such a move would certainly not encourage more drivers to use the car park. In fact, it might have the opposite effect!

Additionally, a similar scheme has already been rejected when it was proposed at the Leytonstone Community Council.

Surely, it would be far better to locate this facility at the Pastures Youth Centre in Davies Lane.

Please let the FOCUS Team know your views.

You can also contact us via this website.

Harrow Green Library closure planned

The Cann Hall Focus Team was shocked to see that a report on the Library Service, due to be presented to the Cabinet on 14 June, includes the proposal to close both Harrow Green and South Chingford Libraries.

The report recommends that Leytonstone, Leyton, Walthamstow and North Chingford be designated Library Plus branches – open 7 days a week and offering some additional services that were previously available in the Waltham Forest Direct shops.

While Hale End, Higham Hill, Wood Street and Lea Bridge will become Library Local branches, open for 30 hours a week.

Providing that this report is agreed by the Cabinet there is expected to be a 12-week consultation period between June and September.

Whatever your views the Focus Team urges you to respond to the consultation to make sure that the Council has the fullest possible picture of the feelings of local residents.

It is understood that a further report, taking into account the consultation, will be submitted to the Cabinet in October.

Make your voice heard!

Abbotts Park – Consultation

The Council has commissioned Kinnear Landscape Architects to develop improvements for Abbotts Park.

There is to be a public consultation in the park on Saturday 25th June between 2 and 5pm.

Council officers and the design team will be there to hear your views on the proposals, which as usual are subject to planning consent and funding.

If you cannot make this meeting, the plans will also be on display in Leyton Library, Leyton High Road, corner of Ruckholt Road on Monday 27th June. A representative from the designers will be present between 4 and 6pm.

This is your opportunity to express your views on this scheme.