Drapers Field – further update!

Council's proposal for Drapers Field

We have manged to get a look at what has been planned for Drapers Field.

The Masterplan (above) shows that the all weather pitch will be re-sited and there is inclusion of some beach volleyball play areas. Maybe the Council is thinking of re-applying for the £100,000 lottery money that it had to return last year when they made arrangements to give the site to the Olympic Authority for warehousing space for the Olympics.

Below is a closer look at the planned beach volleyball area:

The beach volleyball area

For a closer look click on this link to the Masterplan:

Drapers Field – masterplan

Grove Green Ward FOCUS

The latest issue of the Grove Green FOCUS is being delivered across the ward.

If you would like to help us by delivering FOCUS in a road near your home, we would be pleased to hear from you.

You can use the reply page on this website, or get in touch by calling 8556 8335.

You can access the FOCUS here: Grove Green 252

Drapers Field – update!

Drapers Field - lost to the community for at least 16 months

The planning application by the Olympic Development Authority (ODA) to use Drapers Fieldis is still to be submitted to Waltham Forest Council’s Planning Committee. News is that it will go to the Planning Committee in August. The information regarding how much compensation that the Council will get, through what is known as section 106 and section 111, has still to be finalised.

The money received will be used to improve Abbotts Park, Marsh Lane and of course Drapers Field.

The good news is that the money allocated to Drapers Field will be to re-instate the all-weather pitch and introduce new landscaping, access, and community sports facilities. This is good news, as previously there was no mention of the all-weather pitch, or sports facilities being replaced, only that Drapers would be turned into a ‘special park’.

Leyton Ward Councillor Bob Sullivan reports that other not so good news  is that the ODA want to chop down two mature trees so that they can get access to the field by their lorries. He has followed this up and it is being challenged by council officers in the tree department who feel that access can be achieved without chopping down the trees. Councillor Sullivan will update again when he receives any further news on this.

Is this one of the worst designed buildings in Leyton?

The Council, in partnership with the Waltham Forest Guardian, is running a design awards scheme for 2011. They are looking to recognise and reward quality design.

Leyton Ward Councillor Bob Sullivan would like to put forward this building as the worst designed building in Leyton. This is in Ruckholt Road, sandwiched between the iconic Leyton Library and a row of Victorian houses. The design does not relate to any of the nearby architecture, but is just a plain dull block of flats.

Considering its position on a prominent corner, housing the Library and the Old Town Hall, you may wonder how the Council agreed it to be built. Councillor Sullivan can only assume that in their rush to get more flats built, as they have been doing, they allowed this monstrosity to be built without caring about the design and impact on Leyton.

New Plans for 590 – 594 Leyton High Road

Artist impression looking towards Bakers Arms

New plans to develop the corner of Leyton High Road and Hainault Road have been sent to the Council. The picture here shows the artist impression of the last plans that were refused by the Council.

The new plans are for the erection of a 3-5 storey building with an office use on the ground floor, and 23 residential units comprising 4×3 bed houses and 19 flats (8×1 bed, 10×2 bed,and 1×3 bed) with associated parking.

Save Harrow Green Library

Harrow Green Library to be axed by Labour Council
In order to save money, our Labour run Waltham Forest Council is making changes to the library system. Some years ago it was looking to close Leyton Library, but that was saved. Now they are looking to close another one of our local libraries – Harrow Green!

The council admits that, ‘here in the south of the borough, where deprivation is most concentrated, health, education attainment and housing standards are lower, libraries are a focus for communities that enhance people’s quality of life.’ Libraries alleviate the effects of deprivation.

The Harrow Green Library building is home to many local groups and activities, as well as the borrowing of books, access to the Internet and for study and homework. 50% of the borrowers are children.
The Council has set up a 12 week consultation period ending on Friday 9 September.

The Councils consultation documentation can be accessed by log in on to:


You can also get a copy of the consultation document at any library.

Please help us to Save Harrow Green Library by signing the petition at:


You can also write to Councillor Geraldine Reardon (responsible for libraries) at The Town Hall, Walthamstow E17 6JF

Lord Clyde Pub – outside to stay!

The Lord Clyde Pub is currently being changed to 9 self contained flats (see previous posting). Local residents were concerned that it would be turned into a block of flats. Councillor Bob Sullivan can now put residents concerns to rest, as the outside of the pub will stay and the flats will be built inside.

In an age when we are losing a lot of our old historic buildings to square blocks of flats, it is nice to know that the old Lord Clyde Public House, which has been there for years, will still look the same even though there won’t be any pints pulled there.

Visit to the new Velodrome

Lib Dem Cllr Bob Sullivan visits the new Velodrome

As a member of the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority, Cllr Bob Sullivan visited the Olympic site to see around the new Velodrome and the works going on at the Eton Manor end of the Olympic Park. Eton Manor is situated in Leyton, in fact it is in Leyton Ward. The Velodrome has been finished and looks fantastic. See the picture above to get some idea of the size and the beauty of a banked cycle track. The banking is really steep. So steep you probably would not be able to stand on it without falling off. Seeing racing on TV does not do justice to the steep banking.

Around the Velodrome and the Eton Manor site they are landscaping the area and building other cycle circuits for BMX, road racing and mountain biking. When it is finished it will accommodate areas, not only for experienced cyclists but also for beginners.

Bob says. ‘I can see that this area and the Olympic Park will become, not just a fantastic venue for cyclists, but for people looking for a pleasant open area for children and families. Particularly as it will be right on our doorstep.’

Proud of your front garden – then enter it for an award

Best Kept Front Garden Award competition for the Council’s next Love your Borough Awards (2012) is now open.

If you have a front garden that you are proud of, or know a neighbour who does, then why not enter and have a go at winning.

You can enter your own, or a neighbours, front garden or balcony.

 To apply please send a photo and address of the front garden or balcony you are entering to:

or you can apply online at:


Closing date is 31st July 2011


The Mayor selects his optionsThe Brooks Farm Fun-day held last Sunday, was a great success. Over 500 children and families along with Mayor Councillor Geoff Walker, turned up to look round the farm.  

The face-painting, raffle, children’s entertainer and animals along with the weather, made it a fun day for all. All those who turned up had a chance to indicate what they would like the farm to provide. A big thank you must go to year 3 of George Mitchell Primary school who made a brilliant scale model of the farm so that people could place their choices as to what they would like on the farm.  

A small animals area for children was a popular choice along with a picnic area and butterfly garden. There were lots of suggestions, all of which will be taken into account when discussing the future of the farm.  

A process of turning Brooks Farm into a Charitable Trust has begun. If you are interested in being on the trustee board or just interested in supporting the farm, or need more information, then telephone me on 020 8556 8335.